10 most wedding obsessed cities in Britain

wedding couple on bench outside manchester pub Credit: Lee Brown

A new finding by the online wedding rings retailer The Wedding Rings Co. (theweddingringscompany.co.uk) reveals a unique insight into where love is truly flourishing across the UK, with cities from all corners of the country making the list.

Here are the top 10 cities buying the most wedding rings this year:

  1. London
  2. Bristol
  3. Cambridge
  4. Glasgow
  5. Cardiff
  6. Edinburgh
  7. Norwich
  8. Liverpool
  9. Manchester
  10. Leeds
A spokesperson for The Wedding Rings Co. commented on the findings: "It's fantastic to see so many people getting married all over the UK. The number of marriages is rising, which is wonderful to witness, especially after the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. This trend is likely to continue, as more couples are inspired by beautifully curated wedding content on social media - creating a desire to create their own special day which they can share with their friends and family."

Marriages in the UK are on an upward trend since 2022, with a 12.3% increase from 2019 (Source: ONS).

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