Winchester, Hampshire United Kingdom

Contact: Sarah Ralph

When you make the decision to purchase a piece of jewellery from me you are supporting my fledgling business and not a huge corporation. I take great care that every single piece of jewellery I craft is as perfect as I can make it and I have very high standards for myself. If I wouldn't be happy to purchase that piece then I don't sell it, its that simple. I get such enjoyment in seeing someone love jewellery that I have created and that is why I started this business.

I have always loved art and design from as far back as I can remember. As children we were always making something from paper crafts, clay or painting, the list is endless. And we loved every minute of it. I'm forever grateful that my amazing Mum is so arty herself that we were always inspired to try something new.

My first foray into the world of silver jewellery was making a spinner ring and I was hooked. 10 years later I'm creating gorgeous jewellery, lets see if I can create something for you xxx

Categories: Jewellery

Beautiful , unique and stylish jewellery, lovingly designed and crafted from solid recycled sterling silver.
Choose Sarah Ralph Designs for that perfect finishing touch to your special day.

Categories: Wedding Keepsakes

Beautiful keepsake jewellery is the perfect gift for any member of your bridal party.

Jewellery is a wonderful gift for your Bridesmaids or Mother of the Bride or Groom as a memento of your perfect day and a wonderful way to show your appreciation of your loved ones.

You can either match the gift to your Bridal jewellery for a cohesive theme or match your gift to the personality of the recipient. The sky is the limit.

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